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Op de EISTA WERF in Nederhemert Zuid werden in de jaren 1959-1981 vele duizenden schepen gebouwd. De bekendste daarvan zijn de motorboot Doerak en de motorzeilers ROGGER, BANJER en KRAMMER. Naast deze schepen werden echter nog veel meer andere modellen gebouwd, in staal en polyester. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn de Marak en Tarpan motorjachten en de EISTA motorkruisers (bijvoorbeeld Arthur en Arthur Nova), en niet te vergeten de vele EISTA roei- en zeilboten. Alle schepen van de EISTA WERF zijn ontworpen door Dick Lefeber. Op de EISTA site vind je alles over de EISTA WERF en zijn rijke historie, en alles over de daar gebouwde schepen, samen met het laatste nieuws.

EISTA-Nieuws EISTA-schepen Wegwijs op deze site

Eigenaren van veel van deze EISTA schepen hebben een club opgericht. www.eista.net is de internetpagina die alle sites van EISTA eigenarenclubs verbindt . Deze clubs hebben ook hun eigen site: De Doerakclub De Rogger Motorsailer Club De Banjer Motorsailer Club en De Krammerclub. Er is een eigenaren club voor de EISTA kruisers op komst.

The EISTA WERF was a Dutch shipyard. Many thousands of ships were produced at the EISTA WERF during the years 1959-1981. The most well known of these ships were the Doerak, a sturdy motoryacht, and motorsailers Rogger, Banjer and Krammer. Somewhat less well known were Tarpan, Marak and the EISTA cruisers. The EISTA WERF ships were sold abroad by INTERMARINE or STANGATE MARINE and still they can be found all over the world. All EISTA ships are designed by Dick Lefeber. On the EISTA site you will find all information concerning the history of the EISTA WERF and all ships that have been built there, together with the latest news.

Owners of EISTA ships have started clubs.

http://www.eista.net unites all the internet sites from clubs of EISTA-ship owners. Each club has its own site. At this moment you can find The Doerakclub The Rogger Motorsailer Club The Banjer Motorsailer Club and The Krammerclub on the web. In the future there will be a club for the EISTA motorcruisers.

Eista Werf era un cantiere olandese. Molte migliaia di imbarcazioni sono stati prodotte durante gli anni 1959-1981. Il più noto di questi modelli erano la Doerak, un motoryacht robusto, e motorsailer Rogger, Banjer e Krammer. Un po 'meno noto erano Tarpan, Marak e gli incrociatori Eista. Le navi Werf Eista sono stati venduti all'estero da INTERMARINE o STANGATE MARINE e ancora possono essere trovati in tutto il mondo. Tutte le Imbarazioni Eista sono stati progettati da Dick Lefeber. Sul sito Eista troverete tutte le informazioni riguardanti la storia della Eista Werf e le sue imvarcazioni che sono state costruite lì, insieme con le ultime notizie.

I proprietari di ì Eista Werf hanno fondato alcuni club.

www.eista.net unisce tutti i siti internet dei club di Eista-armatori. Ogni club ha un proprio sito. In questo momento è possibile trovare il Doerakclub Il Rogger Motorsailer Club Il Banjer Motorsailer Club e The Krammerclub sul web. In futuro ci sarà un club per i motorcruisers Eista.

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