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Giovanni Panella Giovanni Panella was born in Genoa where he lives, in 1947. As journalist, he specialised in the field of maritime history and heritage. In 2004, as president of the “Atlantic Challenge Genova”, he launched the project of an Italian partecipation to the Atlantic Challenge, that ended with the buildind a “Bantry Bay 1796” jig. He has published books about the history of traditional boats in Mediterranean: Leudi di Liguria; Gozzi di Liguria; Il pinco, veliero dei genovesi; Carloforte e i suoi battelli; La vela Latina He is a regular contributor to several magazines, like the Italian “Nautica”; “Rivista Marittima” (the official magazine of the Italian Navy) and the French “Chasse-Marée”. Moreover, he is member of the editorial staff of the Danish "European Maritime Heritage" newsletter. For this activity, he won four times a “Marincovich” prize. Today he is vice president of the ISTIAEN (Istituto Italiano di Etnologia e Archeologia Navale) and vice president of the FPMM (Féderation du Patrimoine Maritime Méditeranéen)