Moonen Yachts bv
- Graaf van Solmsweg 52F
- 5222 BP ‘s-Hertogenbosch
- The Netherlands
- +31 73 621 00 94
Starting point of the Moonen brand of luxury motor yachts was Rien Moonen’s philosophy of designing what he described as ‘pocket sized super yachts’ in a recognisable semi-custom set-up. He figured that he could take the models and drawings of a distinctively styled yacht to boat shows and find clients there. This was the first step to success. At Europe’s largest boat show of Boot Düsseldorf, the yard found its first client. The 69-foot steel motor yacht ‘Lady M’ was launched in 1983, first yacht of the Moonen brand. This is only two years after Rien Moonen took over the yard of the De Ruiter brothers in 1981. Moonen, at that time ready to retire from his painting business, had invested in the yard. When they went bankrupt, the only option to see some return on investment was to take over the yard and see if it could deliver decent earnings. Instead of retiring, Rien Moonen started a new career. The philosophy of building motor yachts that are defined as super yachts not in the first place because of their size, but rather because of their quality has been the yard’s guidance ever since. In the next fifteen years, the yard built over thirty fine yachts, accomplishing a strong brand identity for quality yachts. In 1998, naval architect Emile Bilterijst took over the role of managing director. He organised a friendly competition among naval architects and designers to create a semi-custom series, gracing the lines of a ‘typical Moonen’. It was René van der Velden’s design for a 72 foot yacht that won. This successful semi-custom has led to the creation of a whole line of semi-custom steel displacement yachts: with he Moonen 72 are now also the 84, 96, 97 and124. Business at Moonen yard has had its ups and downs. Just before Bilterijst took over, Rien Moonen really felt the urgency to close the yard in order to get out of the ever growing debts. And in 2001, Bilterijst was also at the verge of bankruptcy. It were the fine yachts that saved the yard. Faithful clients, dedicated clients have been willing to invest in the yard and keep it running. They always believed a yard that builds such fine yachts like theirs, must have the vitality. But the financial instability continues and in 2013 a new partner enters and in 2019 the shipyard declares bankruptcy and is bought byMATTHEW BAXTE.
MODELLI (click)
- 2006 12 Articolo: MOONEN 96 "CLEMENTINE"
- 2013 12 Comunicato: New shareholder for Moonen Shipyards
- 2019 07 Article: Moonen Shipyards declared bankrupt and in negotiations with new investor
- 2019 09 Article: Bankrupt Moonen Yachts acquired by Australian couple
File:1985 CASSIOPEIA 26m Moonen .jpg 458 × 343
File:1986 MIDNIGHT SAGA II MOONEN.jpg 1,170 × 487
File:1991 MOONSHADOW NOA.jpg 987 × 477
File:1994 MONA LISA MOONEN.jpg 591 × 400
File:1995 ALVA III MOONEN.jpg 613 × 321
File:1999 LA DOLCE VITA MOONEN.jpg 550 × 384
File:2001 LADY JALINKA.jpg 600 × 474
File:2001 MY ISSUE BOW.jpg 960 × 540
File:2001 MY ISSUE MOONEN.jpg 640 × 420
File:2003 MOON RIVER (ex MOON BELS).jpg 1,100 × 619
File:2005 CLEMENTINE.jpg 468 × 304
File:2005 MY ISSUE Moonen-114.jpg 531 × 398
File:2007 BOTTI MOONEN.jpg 1,678 × 861
File:2012 SOFIA MOONEN.jpg 1,069 × 595
File:2016 BIJOUX MOONEN VARO.jpg 700 × 400
File:DARSEA - MOONEN.jpg 600 × 435
File:Sofia2 Moonen.jpg 600 × 400