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Nasce nel 1988 a Chonburi in Tailandia, forse, dalle dalle ceneri dell' antico cantiere Americano CONCORDE, o forse solo una omonimia ...... Viene fondato da Pekka Koskenkylä, già fondatore del cantiere SWAN NAUTOR, e da un un armatore alla ricerca di un cantiere per il suo nuovo grande Yacht Joe Vittoria, grande appassionato e esperto velista, ma del tutto nuovo al mondo della cantieristica essendo stato ai vertici di AVIS, compagnia di noleggio auto per molti anni. <ref></ref>

(...Concorde Yachts can lay claim to what would be considered a divided history. In the 1960’s, the Owens Yacht Company of Annapolis and Baltimore, Maryland became a division of the Brunswick Corporation, and then Brunswick sold the business unit to Test Concorde Incorporated. The Concorde Yacht Division of Brunswick made yachts under the name Owens Concorde until 1974, when Concorde ran into financial trouble and ceased production. These yachts, some flybridges, were built in sizes such as 35 feet and 47 feet long in both sail and motor styles. In 1988, a company named Concorde Yachts began luxury mega sailing yachts production in Chonburi, Thailand. Famous Concorde yacht build projects include “PHILANDERER,” at 131 feet, and the “Mirabella” I and III (131 feet to 137 feet), all designed by Bruce Farr.” )